

Mapper since:
August 26, 2021

Hello, my name is Jacki Green. On the platform, we collect reviews about products, about sellers, we do it in one place to make it convenient for you. Before purchasing any item, it is worth reading reviews. Even if you are aware of everything about the product it is essential to be aware of the seller’s response time, how fast the order is processed, whether he cares about quality and speed, if he gives the buyer enough time to complete your purchase, and whether he is honest. Both you and the seller must be aware of what to look for. This is a good method to provide other customers and you a head start. According to research, every second person between 16 and 55 buys online at least twice per year. 77% of people purchase products online at least twice a year, 23% at most once a week, 5.4 percent every single day or almost every day.

Shopping online is a great method to save money as well as compare prices. The same study also found that online shopping is cheaper than traditional stores. Among the pluses are that customers can review products and shop anytime and from anywhere, and not have to travel to any place (this is especially true in the case of the coronavirus pandemic).

What did you buy the most often? Clothes, shoes. The number one spot was mobile devices in 2011, which are now the second most used. There are top 5 spots for body, face and hair products for hair care and toys, hobby products, decorative cosmetics and perfumes.

The study found that men purchase more parts for computers, for cars, electronics (particularly TVs), and products for repairs than women. The sex with the most fair complexion tends to have distinct preferences. For instance women are more likely to prefer perfumes and cosmetics.

However, in the case of products that residents of the United States do not intend to buy online, alcohol is in the first place. Next are medications and dietary supplement, and food.

We’re always glad to assist you in deciding on the right product. We have reviews that are verified to help you to read.